How to Earn money with pintrest
Most importantly, what is Pinterest? It's a person to person communication and social distributing site dependent on pictures. Something like Tumblr meets Flickr. I need to state directly off the bat "I love Pinterest." I truly trust it will in the long run become a greater social phenom than even Facebook yet now apparently Pinterest is for ladies as it were. Almost 90% of the clients on Pinterest are ladies. I have seen of late that more men are joining the sticking fever and possibly this is on the grounds that us folks will in general get in on the social thing a piece more slow. ( I'm certain a great deal of folks will differ with me yet so what. It's just my supposition and that and a dollar will get you some espresso) What flabbergasts me about Pinterest is the measure of time individuals spend per visit. It has been accounted for that the normal time per visit is more than the time spent on Facebook and Google consolidated and it was accounted for that P...